Newly adopted federal law deems information technologies subject of concession agreements and PPP

A federal law was adopted on June 29, 2018 (the “Law”) designating information technology assets as subjects of concession agreements and public-private (municipal-private) partnership agreements.

The amendments were made to Federal Law No. 115-FZ on Concession Agreements of July 21, 2005 and Federal Law No. 224-FZ on Public-Private Partnership… of July 13, 2015 (hereinafter respectively the “Concession Law” and the “PPP Law”).

The Law was adopted due to the need to resolve the problem of it being impossible to enter into PPP and concession agreements for movable property without the subject of the agreement having to include immovable property. This is particularly important for implementing, for example, a large number of projects in public transportation and information technologies, as well as all other projects aimed at producing and operating high-value movable properties.

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